Religion In Ancient Egyptian

The religious literature in ancient Egypt, includes many forms of writing like hymns to the gods, magical texts, and  a variety collection of mortuary texts.
Many of these literature monuments, also had stories to tell, from using wisdom texts, poems, biographical and historical texts and scientific treatises that had mathematical and medical  written texts.

"Notable" was another legal, administrative, economic text, and  private documents that were similar to letters. But it wasn't actually literature. The authors of several compositions, from the Old Kingdom and the Middle Kingdom ( 2134- 1668 BC) were known in the later time periods.They had come from the educated class of upper level government officials. Their audience was mainly large enough to be well educated people, to suit the government officials. Of course many of the literary compositions in the Middle kingdom were composed as political propaganda's, so they can teach the students how to read, and write by copying them on tablets and ostraca, in fitting in to the ruling dynasty. Many of the same wisdom texts had been copied by New Kingdom's (1570-1070 BC) school children from more than 500 years later. Along with a lot more contemporary texts which was designed to figure out the new military profession.Some of the stories had elements, that was part of my mythology. Because without it, we wouldn't have much knowledge in oral story that tells  the tradition on Ancient Egyptian Literature.

                                        Pyramid Texts 


               Egyptian school girls using
                      papyrus for literary purposes
                                         The Coffin of Text 

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